The Secret of the Nagas

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The Secret of the Nagas is revealed from the page forth. This is the second book of the
Shiva Trilogy and begins from the moment where its prequel, The Immortals of Meluha,
ended. While I believe that you can enjoy this book by itself, perhaps, you may enjoy it
more if you read The Immortals of Meluha first. In case you have already read The
Immortals of Meluha, please ignore this message.

There is a lovely Sanskrit line in the Rig Veda which captures
the essence of my belief.
Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti .
Truth is one, though the sages know it as many .
God is one, though different religions approach Him differently .
Call Him Shiva, Vishnu, Allah, Jesus or any other form of God that you believe in .
Our paths may be different. Our destination is the same .


I am a “twenty-something” born and raised in India. My number one hobby is reading. I love books that give me an adrenaline rush, overload my emotions and/or put me in a “love-fog”.

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