Breaking dawn

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1. Engaged
2. Long Night
3. Big Day
5. Isle Esme
6. Distractions
7. Unexpected

8. Waiting For The Damn Fight To Start Already
9. Sure As Hell Didn't See That One Coming
10. Why Didn't I Just Walk Away? Oh Right, Because I'm An Idiot.
11. The Two Things At The Very Top Of My Things-I-Never-Want-To-Do List
12. Some People Just Don't Grasp The Concept Of "Unwelcome^"
13. Good Thing I've Got A Strong Stomach
14. You Know Things Are Bad When You Feel Guilty For Being Rude To Vampires
15. Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock
16. Too-Much-Information Alert
17. What Do I Look Like? The Wizard Of Oz? You Need A Brain? You Need A
Heart? Go Ahead. Take Mine. Take Everything I Have.
18. There Are No Words For This.

19. Burning
20. New
21. First Hunt
22. Promised
23. Memories
24. Surprise
25. Favor
26. Shiny
27. Travel Plans
28. The Future
29. Defection
30. Irresistible
31. Talented
32. Company
33. Forever
34. Declared
35. Deadline
36. Blood lust
37. Contrivances
38. Power
39. The Happily Ever After
The Vampire Index

I'd had more than my fair share of near-death experiences; it wasn't something
you ever really got used to.
It seemed oddly inevitable, though, facing death again. Like I really was marked
for disaster. I'd escaped time and time again, but it kept coming back for me.
Still, this time was so different from the others.
You could run from someone you feared, you could try to fight someone you
hated. All my reactions were geared toward those kinds of killers – the monsters,
the enemies.
When you loved the one who was killing you, it left you no options. How could
you run, how could you fight, when doing so would hurt that beloved one? If your
life was all you had to give your beloved, how could you not give it?

If it was someone you truly loved?


I am a “twenty-something” born and raised in India. My number one hobby is reading. I love books that give me an adrenaline rush, overload my emotions and/or put me in a “love-fog”.

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